asaar medical doctor group

Get Personalization, Not Just a Playbook

As the only independent physician owned ACO in the nation, The Asaar Medical ACO REACH program was created by Dr. Anjan Patel for physicians who are frustrated with the lack of accountability and transparency of previous MSO programs. As a working physician, he saw the need to create a program that was not only physician and staff friendly, but also allowed providers to have transparent access to their data. We believe that when trust is built between Asaar and our providers, we foster a culture that lifts our entire organization up. When your ACO REACH management is in our hands, you can focus on caring for your patients first.

Patient Care Front and Center

Learn the ACO REACH Benefits for Providers

Your Shared Savings are Your Own

There is no tiered system with Asaar, which means your shared savings are not affected by the performance of other providers in our network. When ACO programs require providers to hit certain thresholds or benchmarks to get the most out of their shared savings, it puts the emphasis on results, not care. Our program is built on relationships and communication, so you’ll get exactly what you’ve earned, year after year.

Asaar calculator
Asaar ACO Reach team

Rely on Coding Expertise

Coding can be a daunting task for even the most skilled in your office, but the Asaar team are experts in helping ensure that your coding gives you the best baseline for your claim space risk score. We can help analyze your risk score by scrubbing your current coding, and finding anywhere that you may have missed. Medicare allows for a 365 day window to look back at your coding and make sure that you are in the best position to earn with yearly Medicare increases.

Stay Independent While Providing Care

We believe that the best decision for patient care should be made by the physician caring for the patient. When you join the Asaar Medical ACO REACH program, you can make the right decisions to keep your patients healthy without having to worry if it's covered. You submit your claim, you get your shared savings just like you would with Medicare. You'll also have access to our claims adjudication portal to see exactly what you can expect.  

asaar doctors independent

Your Shared Savings are Waiting!

Asaar Medical is a physician-led network of healthcare providers dedicated to modernizing the way we care for patients.

Have Questions?

Meet the ASAAR Team

Anjan Patel, MD

CEO and Senior Medical Director

Brian Martino

Director of HR and Operations

Jordan Michael Hall

Advisor Finance, Claims, Personnel, Quality improvement, and Compliance.

When Physicians are In Control, Everyone Benefits

When you join Asaar Medical, the shared benefits go well beyond just an increase in profit. When you get started, you join a network committed to transparency, quality care, and shared expertise.

asaar doctor group